G.O.A.L.S – 2/21/17

This week in GOALS we began with a stimulating group activity to get our minds going. In this game, one of the girls went outside and the inside group decided whose identity they wanted to be in a common pattern, which in this case was being the person on their right. After analyzing the characteristics or dress of the person they were pretending to be, the outside person reentered and asked yes or no questions such as, “Do you have brown hair,” or, “Are you wearing a purple jacket?” Once she discovered the identity of some of them, she tried to identify the overall pattern. This game was surely challenging as it required patience and observation, but the girls successfully completed it.
Afterwards we talked about the importance of having people of color represented well in the media. We reflected on how numerous people relate with those who share a background or culture, which can be especially vital when it comes to having a role model. This is why it is so important to have different races and cultures represented in the media. We considered what it would feel like if all dolls were white, and how that would make non-white children feel. Growing up without someone of the same race to look up to as a role model or to simply have as a doll can be disheartening for many. As humans we need to be able to relate to others, and to have someone who shares a similar background or culture can spark hope and determination (if she/he can do it, then so can I). Speaking of role models, many of the girls shared people they admire and why. One of the girls explained that she admires her mom because she wants to follow in her mother’s footsteps as a pediatrician, and another explained that her aunt was her role model because she has always been supportive and reliable. I shared that I look up to my grandmother because after traveling to the US from India, she was the first woman in Berkeley to open a business. Regardless of who we explained, they were someone who we could identify with, which is why it is important for all races to be represented well in the media because people are inspired when someone similar to themselves is successful. These role models challenge us to aspire to greatness whether it be towards our careers, how we treat others, or our daily actions- Ellora 2/21/2017

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